Nani after a successful film like Awe is ready with his second production titled HIT. The film is a crime thriller and is all about a missing girl. Directed by Sailesh Kolanu, HIT has Vishwak Sen and Ruhani Sharma in the lead roles. The film’s trailer caught everyone’s attention and is carrying decent expectations. Vivek Sagar composed the music and Nani’s Wall Poster Cinema bankrolled the film. HIT is hitting the screens today all over and here is the complete review of the film:
Vikram Rudraraju (Vishwak Sen) is one of the toughest cops in the Homicide Intervention Team (HIT) and he solves several cases with ease. He gets through a case of the missing girl Preethi and the rest of HIT is all about how Vikram solves it finding the real culprits clearing all the dots. Watch HIT to know about the rest.
Vishwak Sen’s performance
Gripping narration
Background Score
Serious theme
Lack of commercial elements
Vishwak Sen is a treat to watch and he stuns everyone with his flawless and loud performance. The actor surprises everyone in the role of a cop and his performance looks subtle and serious enough. Ruhani Sharma has a short role but she performs well in the assignment. Bhanuchander, Brahmaji and Murali Sharma carried their roles well and all the other actors did well in their assigned roles.
HIT has a simple story and it is the screenplay, narration that makes the film an interesting and gripping crime thriller. The climax episodes have been very well written and the suspense is maintained till the last minute. The cinematography work and the background score elevates the film well and they are the added assets. The production values are grand and apt. The editing work looks promising. Sailesh Kolanu makes an impressive debut with HIT.
HIT is a new-age thriller loaded with thrills and packed narration. Do not miss it if you love thriller films.
Rating : 2.75/5