Young Tiger NTR is one of the finest actors in Telugu cinema. NTR and Ram Charan are working for RRR, the prestigious periodic drama that is directed by SS Rajamouli. This big-budget film will be releasing on January 8th, 2021. Rajamouli made it clear that NTR plays Komaram Bheem while Ram Charan plays the role of Alluri Seetharama Raju in this action entertainer.
As per the latest news, NTR will be seen essaying a role with three different shades. All the three looks unique and different from one another. The looks of NTR are kept under wraps and Rajamouli is all set to thrill the audience on screen. Alia Bhatt and Olivia Morris are the heroines. Made on a budget of Rs 400 crores, RRR is produced by DVV Entertainments.