Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s comeback film Vakeel Saab is aimed for a summer release. The makers planned quick schedules so that the entire shoot will be completed by the third week of April including the patchwork. With the latest coronavirus scare, the shoots of the films are now stalled. Tollywood is shut down till March 31st and the shoot of Vakeel Saab will start only in April.
It is quite tough to complete the shoot of the film by April. Hence the makers are keen on releasing the film in June as per the completion of the shoot. Sriram Venu is the director of Vakeel Saab and Dil Raju is the producer. Anjali, Nivetha Thomas and Prakash Raj will be seen in other crucial roles. Pawan Kalyan plays a lawyer in Vakeel Saab and the film is the remake of Pink.