Vijay Devarakonda has all his hopes on World Famous Lover which is hitting the screens this Friday. The response for the trailer and songs is mixed but Vijay Devarakonda is quite confident in hitting the bullseye. Kranthi Madhav is the director and Rashi Khanna, Aishwarya Rajesh, Catherine Tresa and Izabelle Leite are the leading ladies. The theatrical rights of World Famous Lover are valued at Rs 30.50 crores across the globe.
World Famous Lover should have an exceptional run at the box-office to recover the investments and end up as a hit film. KS Rama Rao’s Creative Commercials are the producers. Gopi Sundar is the music director of World Famous Lover. The film has four different love stories in the film. Here are the pre-release business deals of World Famous Lover:
Nizam: Rs 9 Cr
Ceeded: Rs 4 Cr
Andhra: Rs 10 Cr
AP and Telangana: Rs 23 Cr
Rest of India: Rs 4 Cr
Rest of World: Rs 3.50 Cr
Total Worldwide: Rs 30.50 Cr