Nandamuri Balakrishna and Ram Gopal Varma were good friends in the past. But Balakrishna offering NTR biopic to Krish did not go well with RGV and he staged several attacks. He even went on to direct Lakshmi’s NTR which was a spoof comedy. Balakrishna stayed calm and never responded against RGV. Now, Ram Gopal Varma attacked Balakrishna calling him ‘Dishti Bomma’ for one of his recent clicks.
“Wowww Roja Garu looks like a HERO and some guy who I don’t know on her right looks like yuckk..He’s spoiling her beauty by spoiling the frame with his face …Or maybe he is her Dishti Bomma. Can someone tell me who’s this guy spoiling the photo by sitting next to the pretty Roja?” posted RGV on his official twitter handle. Nandamuri fans are trolling RGV for the comments all over. Balakrishna is yet to respond on RGV’s comments.
Wowww Roja Garu looks like a HERO and some guy who I don’t know on her right looks like yuckk..He’s spoiling her beauty by spoiling the frame with his face …Or maybe he is her Dishti Bomma
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) January 22, 2020