Powerstar Pawan Kalyan is busy with his political engagements and at the same time, the actor signed a couple of films. He started shooting for Pink remake recently and the actor also signed a film for Krish. The movie is said to be a periodic drama set during the independence era. Krish recently narrated the final draft to Pawan Kalyan and the actor was extremely impressed with the narration. The film will have a formal launch on January 27th in Hyderabad.
The regular shoot of this untitled film will commence next month. Impressed with the concept and narration, Pawan Kalyan wanted the film to be made as a pan Indian film. Krish is currently finalizing the actors and he is picking them from various languages. The budget too has been increased and massive sets are erected for the film. There will be two leading ladies in this untitled film. AM Rathnam is the producer and the film releases next year.