Young and talented actor Sree Vishnu is riding high on the success of Brochevarevarura. The actor after a while is all set to test his luck with Thipparaa Meesam. The intense action drama is directed by Krishna Vijay and is releasing this Friday. The makers today released the theatrical trailer of Thipparaa Meesam which looks intense to the core and raw. The coloring and the presentation look completely different.
Sree Vishnu shines to the core and looks perfect in the assigned role. The background score elevates the entire drama. Sree Vishnu’s new look, packed presentation, emotional drama are the major highlights of Thipparaa Meesam trailer. The movie is carrying decent expectations and Nikki Tamboli is the heroine. Rizwan Entertainments are the producers and the film releases on November 8th across the globe.