Top actor Vijay Devarakonda is venturing into production with Meeku Maathrame Cheptha. He floated King of the Hill Entertainment and bankrolled Meeku Maathrame Cheptha. Shammeer Sultan is making his directorial debut with this comic entertainer. Tharun Bhascker, Abhinav, Naveen George Thomas, Anasuya Bharadwaj, Vani Bhojan, Avantika Mishra, Vinay Varma, Pavani Gangireddy played the lead roles. The film is releasing across the globe today and here is the complete review of the movie:
Meeku Maathrame Cheptha is the story of Rakesh (Tharun Bhascker), a youngster who is all set to get married. Days before his wedding, a personal video of Rakesh goes viral breaking the internet. The rest of the film is all about the challenges Rakesh and his friend face in the process of tracing out the culprit who leaked the video. Meeku Maathrame Cheptha is all about the unexpected twists and about the number of characters in the film. Watch Meeku Maathrame Cheptha to know about the entire story and how the story ends.
Tharun Bhascker and his performance
Abhinav’s one-liners and his comic timing
Entertaining First Half
Relative topic and plot
Boring Second half
Poor Production Values
Predictable Narration
Tharun Bhascker has been flawless and he delivers his best. He is exceptional with his expressions and fits well as a youngster who struggles for the viral video. Abhinav has been top class with his comic timing and he is a huge support for the movie. Anasuya has an interesting role assigned and she has been decent throughout. Vani Bhojan, Avantika Mishra and Pavani Gangireddy have been decent in their roles. All the other actors delivered their best.
Meeku Maathrame Cheptha is a laugh riot and is based on a lean plot about a viral video. The screenplay looks just ok and the entertainment episodes are well penned. The second half of Meeku Maathrame Cheptha should has been better. The performances are the major highlights of the film and the background score looks well supportive. The cinematography was ok and the production values have been poor enough. Debutant Shammeer Sultan was decent with his work.
If you are ok with a bunch of smiles, Meeku Maathrame Cheptha makes a decent watch. After an impressive first half, the second half falls flat. Tharun Bhascker and Abhinav top the show with their performances.