Young and talented Vijay Devarakonda is all set to turn producer with Meeeku Maathrame Chepta, an innovative film that is driven by content. Tharun Bhascker Dhassyam, Abhinav Gomatam, Naveen George Thomas, Anasuya Bharadwaj, Vani Bhojan, Avantika Mishra played the lead roles and the film marks the directorial debut of Shammeer Sultan. Superstar Mahesh Babu released the theatrical trailer of Meeeku Maathrame Chepta which is fun-filled and hilarious to the core. Vennela Kishore’s voice over is a huge asset and the film is all about how mobile phones and the technology is getting misused.
Meeeku Maathrame Chepta trailer focuses on the viral video of a youngster who is yet to get married. The video lands into everyone’s mobile phone and the rest of Meeeku Maathrame Chepta is all about what happens next. The trailer promises to be thrilling with enough twists and the major suspense is all about the video. The background score, cinematography work and the production values are the major assets. King of the Hill Entertainment and Global Cinemas bankrolled Meeeku Maathrame Chepta and the film is releasing on November 1st all over.