King Nagarjuna wrapped up the shoot of Manmadhudu 2 some time ago and the film was announced for August 9th release, six days before the release of Prabhas’s Saaho. Though all the buyers opposed the release date of Manmadhudu 2, Nag made it clear that the film will release on the same day at any cost as there is no comfortable release date available in the coming months. Now with Saaho release pushed, Manmadhudu 2 will have a huge breath.
The film will now take the advantage of Independence Day weekend if the film receives positive buzz. Except Sharwanand’s Ranarangam and Adivi Sesh’s Evaru, no biggies are slated for August 15th release. Nag is quite relieved with Saaho getting postponed. Rahul Ravindran directed Manmadhudu 2 and Rakul Preet Singh is the leading lady. Samantha and Keerthy Suresh will shine in special cameos in this romantic drama.