Natural Star Nani is on a roll and is busy with back to back projects. The actor recently completed shooting for his next film titled Jersey. Gowtam Tinnanuri is the director and Shraddha Srinath is the heroine. The post-production work of Jersey is currently in final stages and the makers are in plans to release the film during summer this year. The movie is the story of Indian cricketer Raman Lamba who passed away after he was hit by a cricket ball.
The makers shot two climaxes for the film. Trivikram will watch the film and will lock the apt climax for Jersey. The first climax is a tragic one while the second one ends on a positive note. Anirudh Ravichander is the music composer and Sithara Entertainments are the producers. The film will releae during April and Nani plays a cricketer Arjun in Jersey.