Superstar Mahesh Babu is shooting for his next project titled Maharshi which is an emotional drama that is directed by Vamshi Paidipally. Made on a massive budget, the film is announced for April 25th release across the globe. Pooja Hegde is the heroine and Allari Naresh will be seen in a pivotal role. The latest news is that the second half of Maharshi is laced with a strong emotional drama which is the major highlight of the film.
A 20-minute long farmers episode will connect well with the audience informed a source close to the unit. The entire shoot of Maharshi is planned to be completed by the end of March. Devi Sri Prasad is the composer and Dil Raju, Ashwini Dutt, PVP are the producers. Rao Ramesh, Rajendra Prasad and Jagapathi Babu will be seen in other crucial roles in Maharshi.