Ram Charan and Boyapati Sreenu are joining hands for the first time for a mass entertainer Vinaya Vidheya Rama. A grand pre-release event of Vinaya Vidheya Rama took place last night and Megastar Chiranjeevi, KTR released the theatrical trailer of the film. The trailer has been packed with high voltage action and Charan’s performance is the major highlight of the film.
Vinaya Vidheya Rama also promises a clean family drama which features a bunch of actors in the film. Kiara Advani is the heroine and the action stunts shot in Azerbaijan are the major highlights of Vinaya Vidheya Rama. The trailer of Vinaya Vidheya Rama is well cut and keeps the expectations high on the film. Produced by DVV Entertainments, Vinaya Vidheya Rama is releasing on January 11th all over.