Superstar Mahesh Babu is busy with his next film Maharshi, an emotional drama that is directed by Vamshi Paidipally. The film will release during summer next year and the actor is in talks with a bunch of filmmakers for his next. Mahesh signed a film for Sukumar and he wanted an innovative film to be made in the combo. Sukumar narrated a periodic drama that did not excite Mahesh.
Sukumar is currently busy penning a right script and will narrate it to Mahesh. This will take enough time and in this while Mahesh is in plans to wrap up one more film with a young director. He is holding talks with directors like Sandeep Vanga, Ajay Bhupathi and Parasuram. An official announcement will be made once things are final. Sukumar’s film will roll early next year.