Victory Venkatesh hasn’t been seen across the Tollywood circles. The actor is making his comeback after a while with F2 and he teamed up with Varun Tej for this comic entertainer. Anil Ravipudi directed the movie and the entire talkie part has been wrapped up yesterday. The last song will be canned soon and the entire shoot of F2 will be called off soon. Tamannaah and Mehreen are the female leads in F2.
As per the latest news, the makers are keen on releasing the film during Sankranthi 2019. F2 will lock horns with NTR Biopic and Vinaya Vidheya Rama. The post-production work is on and Devi Sri Prasad’s music album will be out soon. Popular producer Dil Raju is the producer and F2 will release across the globe on January 12th all over during Sankranthi.