Young actor Raj Tarun has been busy with several interesting films and none of his recent outings impressed the audience. The actor pinned many hopes on his next film titled Lover which is a romantic entertainer. Annish Krishna directed this romantic entertainer and Riddhi Kumar is making her debut as the female lead. The entire shoot of the film has been wrapped up and the music album has been released today. Anil Ravipudi and Satish Vegesna attended the event as Chief Guests and released the audio album.
Ankit Tiwari, Arko, Rishi Rich, Ajay Vas, Sai Karthik & Tanishk Bagchi composed the music. The audio album is a fresh breath for youngsters and the album has been loaded with melodious beats. The music album lives up the expectations and will be a treat for movie lovers. Dil Raju bankrolled the movie and Lover will hit the screens on July 14th across the globe.