Megastar Chiranjeevi’s son-in-law Kalyaan Dhev is making his debut as the lead actor with the film Vijetha which happens to the title of Megastar’s super hit film. The movie has been directed by Rakesh Sashi and the entire shoot of the movie has been wrapped up today. The movie is said to be a romantic entertainer laced with a strong social message. Malavika Nair is the female lead and Harshavardhan Rameshwar is composing the music.
The audio event took place today and Megastar Chiranjeevi attended the event as Chief Guest. Made on a decent budget the film has been slated for July release. Kalyaan Dhev’s look and his screen presence received decent response. Sai Korrapati produced Vijetha on Vaaraahi Chalana Chitram banner.