Padmashri Kamal Haasan is making his comeback with Vishwaroopam 2 and the film is gearing up for release soon. The entire post-production work of Vishwaroopam 2 has been wrapped up and the makers released the theatrical trailer of Vishwaroopam 2 today. Young Tiger NTR released the Telugu trailer of Vishwaroopam 2 and the trailer is an action treat for everyone. Packed with dose of action, the trailer strikes hard.
One will wait for the film after watching the trailer of Vishwaroopam 2. The background score and cinematography are the highlights of Vishwaroopam 2 along with Kamal Haasan’s all-round performance. His directorial abilities are sure to be mentioned. Pooja Kumar, Shekar Kapur, Andrea and Rahul Bose played other pivotal roles in Vishwaroopam 2. The movie has been slated for August 10th release across the globe.